Sunday, January 23, 2011

Window with a View

I just really love the view from my front window. The peacefullness of the trees with no cars, busy streets, highways, etc. Just a field. I spent much of Saturday afternoon looking out the window of all of the little birds that were frolicking around. There was this big fat cardinal-- bold and red. He was a treat to watch but too fast to get a proper photo. I will have to make sure to take a picture when it is sunny. that is when the real beauty starts to sing.

So quick update-- I talked with the guy at corporate and am contemplating the possibilities but from our first convo, I wasnt too intrigued by the current positions. I am going to Chicago sometime next week to check things out and meet with some of the department heads. This will be just a great opportunity to meet with the big boys and girls if only for future openings and getting further connected with the "decision makers". I will update you as things progress. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! Love you!

Have a good week!

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  1. You know...Chicago is a place that Brendan and I visit quite frequently now that we live in the UP. ;)
    We are definitely praying for you.

  2. I absolutely love Chicago... and one day would really really like to live there. I am just not sure now is the time.... in the next couple of years. definitely yes! How far away is it from you guys?
