Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas: Good to be Home!

We drove to Ohio friday evening (12/17) and got there in record time! I mean yes, I was speeding but I praise the Lord for the dry roads and safe conditions the whole way. I couldn't help but do a fast pace with such perfect traveling conditions!  We have had a lot of fun and feel very lucky to have had two full weeks and three full weekends with our family!!  So lucky!

Here are some of my favorite moments:

We made and ate a lot of good Cuban Food!
Yuca con ajo, empanadas de carne, frijoles negros y arroz, (not pictured: platanos maduros, lechon de puerco, pan cubano, pico de gallo, y quien sabe mas?)

Pastelitos de guayaba y queso  -- mmmmm! tan dulce!

We had fun on Christmas day. So much fun through the eyes of a six year old : )

Kari the Grouch : )

"Star Worlds!"

Josiah got the old box sneak-a-roo.  He had to go pick out his own gym shoes becasue we werent sure what size, but then Kari snuck behind his back and bought a computer game Fall out, she put it in his shoe box with a 2lb weight so he thought he was just opening his shoes he picked out! Sorry for the long explanation and disregard for puncuation...

Love it!

Mom won "best Christmas morning hair" she is going to love that i posted this!

Holy Batman castle, robin!

And I tip my hat!... imagine that...

I definitely used my christmas gifts!!

then directly after the gift opening a lego party commenced in the family room.. yes they are all putting together lego thingys..

Judah let Tom do the heavy lifting

Dad got a hat! Well actually he had asked for a winter hat, but Anna tricked him and wrapped a top hat instead.  I think it makes him look regal.


  1. What a fun Christmas! I love all of the photos of bed-head!

  2. Thanks for the "lovely" photo of me on Christmas morning! Next year I make you wait for me to take a shower.HeeHee!
