Thursday, January 6, 2011


So I have the makings of a pretty significant dilemma in the near future...

I may have an opportunity to take a position at our corporate office in Deerfield, Illinois (Northwest suburb of Chicago).  I received a call from my regional manager letting me know that the VP of HR would be giving me a call tomorrow about this opportunity.  I may even be asked to go up there to check things out and see if it is the right fit for me. 

Half of me is like... WOOOHOOO! Chicago here I come!  I love that city, have wanted to live in that city forever... and here is the opportunity!

And the other side of me is like... you have got to be kidding.  We JUST moved! We JUST got settled!  We JUST started making friends! WHy would God bring us to Greenville, do all of this, and we havent even gotten our feet wet!

I just dont know.  There are still a lot of factors to consider, like, what really is this job? I wont know until the VP calls me and I have a million questions to ask. 

I am a little stressed out by the whole thing though because I just dont know what God has for us.  I am seeking his guidance and wisdom and know that as long as I keep him first, family second, I cant go wrong.

Please pray for us as I consider this crazy predicament.  I pray that I have the calm ability to listen, and not feel pressured to make decisions or anything until I have had enough time to weigh all of the options against what God wants for us.

Please also pray for my sanity.  Work is just changing so much right now which is why this opportunity it something I have to really consider.... I need to find a position that will offer me the right balance for Judah and I. 

Thanks! I will keep you posted!


  1. Goodness Katrina, I will definitely be praying for you.

  2. We certainly are praying for you and Judah! Loved the video chat, too! We love you!
