Sunday, December 12, 2010


After the Christmas Program the "conveniently" had the Book Fair located in the center of the school. Of course it was packed with all of the parents and their children begging them for this and that. I could not escape either. I dont remember book fairs being that expensive! Most of the books were 10-20 dollars! So I bought Judah a super secret Christmas present and then let him pick out a poster. He cracked up at this one and just "had to have it!"

Judah and his Kindergarten teacher, Ms. May (she is Awesome!)

One of Judah's art work posted outside of the class in the hall

(you are asking your self, is he wearing a mid-rif shirt?)

I love the randomness that is Kindergarten.
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  1. wow, he does a great job coloring. and no, i didn't think about the midriff thing until you pointed it out. ^_^ haha.

  2. Hahaha. I totally thought it was his midriff! Does that say he can "staple" by himself?

  3. I started laughing at the the exposed belly. I hope Judah doesn't staple his fingers together like his Uncle Josiah did once. lol

  4. I know, I dont quite get the staple thing, but love it for its randomness. : )
