Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Program - Greenville Elementary K-2

On Tuesday (12/7), We went to Judah's school for the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade presentation of Trouble on Candy Cane Lane. It was this super cute play where the residents of Candy Cane Lane were fighting over which color candy canes were better - red or green. Judah was part of the Green Candy Canes (Kindergarten classes) and sang in the chorus. The 1st graders were the Red Candy Canes and the 2nd graders had the speaking parts up on stage. They were all dressed up in the cutest out fits. My co-worker's son was Rudolph. It was humorous and cute and the all of the kids memorized their lines and did a great job! It was weird going to one of these things by myself, but I did see quite a few friendly faces (co-workers, church members, etc.) Judah did great but he was in the back row so I did not get a good shot (even with my 10x zoom!!) Why would they put one of the shortest kids in the back row? : ) Here are a few pics from the night.

Can you find Judah?

The parent club taped the performance so I will buy the dvd from them. I cant wait for Judah to be in 2nd grade so he can get a speaking part! : ) He says he wants to be Rudolph

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My little Candycane!


  1. adorable and fun, THANK YOU for posting. you are HILARIOUS! and i miss your face! one more week to go. ^_^

  2. Awww. I wish we could have gone to the show! I miss seeing Judah perform.

  3. Way to go Judah for being on the GREEN team!!! yay!
