Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Snow and Christmas Card outtakes

So we woke up this morning to the beautiful whiteness that is our first Illinois Snow. It was a light snow (maybe 2 inches?) and has kept coming throughout the day. After we got home from Church, Judah got his shovel and started to work. What a little man.

(secret: i did must of the porch with a broom, hehe)

So then I remember that we still had not taken a picture for our Christmas card. I was inspired by my bay window and the snowy scene outside. I decided to get some of my Christmas ornaments out and decorate the window a little. We have not decorated much since we will be in Ohio for the last 2 weeks of the year and it seemed like wasted effort. (or laziness? you be the judge) So once I had the window looking good, I had Judah do some test shots as I created a tripod from a tv tray stand and books. I will walk you through the agony that is trying to do a "self portrait" Christmas card with a 10 second timer and a grumpy six year old.
First a little preparation: "staging the windowscape"

Second: Test shots

test shot 1: looking "relaxed"

This was Judah's creative as he went from a jumping position into "criss cross apple sauce" (We used to call this "indian style". I guess that isnt "pc" anymore. )

Test shot 2: we are blocking all of my hard work on the window sill... try again

Timer too fast, not ready!!

Um, no. Judah too much.... me not enough

Cute, but no.

Now listen here... we are going to get this right!

Ok this is better but not quite there yet (fast foward like 100 takes later)....
Be looking in your mailbox for the final shot!
Then while my 6 yr old had his last tantrum after like 35 different shots (im cruel) I headed outside to enjoy the snowy flakes coming down.
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what am I contemplating? hmmm..... its a mystery

hehe : )

you wanna piece a me?

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  1. oh goodness, hahahaha, i'm still laughing. YOU'RE AWESOME!

  2. So cute! Thanks for sharing the creative process. And I can't believe "Indian style" is no longer used. lol

  3. I am laughing so hard! What a riot! You make even the "mundane" comical. I can't wait to see your face!
