Friday, April 22, 2011

Soccer year 2: Judah Rocks the field

So this year we have signed up for Greenville park district Soccer.  It is sponsored by the Greenville College and their students from their Soccer team are the coaches for each of the teams.  I was presently surprised and impressed with these guys.  They are incredibly patient and encouraging to all of the kids.  They are a lot more skilled then parent coaches (as I have been told), and they also give individual praise to each one of the kids -- even on teh first day knew their names!

Judah is doing really well -- in fact most of the parents say they think he is the best on the team-- they describe him as the only kid that seems to know what he is doing.... just wish he would get a goal!  He is a natural and it is fun to watch.  His coaches especially have tapped into his uncanny ability to cover the ball and goal on defense.  It is incredible to watch him track the offense and block their every move...even when they are inches away from scoring, he can just keep up and swipe it away at the last second.  He also doesnt even look like he is kicking the ball when he runs it down the field... it just seems to follow his feet as he runs.  Incredible.  I think I will try to hook him up with some lessons next year as I think with a little more guidance (these 30 min practices with 10 energetic kids does not make way for a lot of fundamentals to be taught)


Look at that form.... SO CUTE and awesome

Already sick of the Press photos... but here he is rocking his Karate Kid head band
This is a little drill they were doing where the coach was bouncing the ball off of their heads... looked pretty fun for the coach.

I have a few more fun clips I might post or will show when I am in Cbus this weekend.

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  1. you're posting in the future now? AWESOME! i LOVE ALL the posts and i really miss you two guys. i also love Judah's long hair (he has such pretty hair!) and i CAN'T WAIT to see you two! ^_^

  2. yes. the future! I have been given so much POWAR (power)... I tried publishing them in sucession but i guess I did soemthing wrong... oh well. : )

  3. Judah is so adorable on the soccer field. He looks like he is really enjoying it!
