Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Judah turns 7 (without my permission) part 1

Mom helped me make cupcakes to bring to Judah's class on his birthday.  We were able to help him take them in his classroom and he got to show his Grandma around his Kindergarten Krib (its pretty hardcore learning going on up in there)

The kiddies are arriving -- the best way to experience what true chaos feels like...

Judah was called over to his teacher, Ms May so she could crown him Birthday King for the day

Holding back the overwhelming emotions... hehe 

Mom and I were able to hang out a little bit 

Pledge of allegiance -- with the appropriate amount of solemn sincerity.
(extra nugget: this picture if you look closely also shows a random child in the back lining/balancing his entire crayon collection up his arm-- we all show our patriot pride in different ways friends)

After that, a kid got his hand stuck in a bathroom stall door and so we decided it best to leave.... 
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1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures! You need to show me how to download them and maybe print them. I love my Judah-bug!
