Monday-- typically stupid.
Tuesday-- Terrible, well almost.
So woke up late-normal. Running around getting myself and Judah dressed and out the door. Get in the car....nothing. Click, click, click....nothing. My battery is dead. I instantly realize as I stare at my phone that I have no one. Not one person I can think to call. The sun is out and it looks like a gorgeous day so I decide to walk Judah to school so he wont be late. Start walking to the end of my street (about half a block) and realize I am missing something--- feeling in my face and appendages. I look down at my tiny miniature man and know he has to be freezing even more... but we press on. Have to get him to school!! So we continue to walk and cry frozen tears when a mini van pulls up. A woman with two cute adorable pups rolls down her window and asks if we need a ride to the school. I didnt even hesitate. Yes! We pile in and I can not see because my glasses are all fogged up. Her name is Karen. I explain to her our car situation and we find out that we both go to the Free Methodist church. She had already dropped her kids off at school and must have seen us and turned around to head back to us. We drop Judah off and she takes me back home. I am almost in tears at having to rely on a stranger to help me take my kid to school and I tell her that God had her come at the perfect time. She said, funny you should say that because I asked God if I should stop as I was afraid you might think I was creepy. We pulled into my drive and I realize that I still dont have a way of starting my car so I ask if she would mind driving me to work. She didnt mind at all and jotted down her phone number in case I needed anything.
I get to work, rush to a meeting I am already late to with my boss, still holding back tears at just how stupid and chaotic this morning has been. I am in her office no longer than 10 minutes that I get a call from Judah's school. The school nurse is a little snippy and tells me that Judah has a 101.4 fever and needs to be picked up "right now" and he cannot return until Thursday. The tone in her voice makes me feel like worst mom of the century as if I was trying to sneak my feverish child into school so I didnt have to care for him. I knew Judah was whining about going to school but I didnt realize he was sick! So then I start to cry like a baby in my Boss' office. She tells me not to worry and to just go. I rush back to my office, tears streaming down my face and close my door. Now I really start to cry. How am I going to get Judah? I cant walk. I cant call that Karen girl... what would she think of me?? I hate asking for help. I dont want people to feel like I am a moocher or just one of those hopeless cases. I decide to go through my list of phone numbers from my small group. No one answers until I get to Dan. Poor Dan....
Before I called I really tried to get the sobbing under control. Deep breaths. But when he picked up, all of a sudden it all came back to the surface and I could barely get the words out. I really made a complete fool of myself as I tried to explain through my cry voice (you know the one... the one that is high and hardly audible through the sobs) my situation. I am pretty sure he is picturing me on the side of the road half covered in blood with my baby in my arms-- that is how bad I sounded. He was calm and awesome and just asked, where are you? I barely got out my work location and then he said, I will be there in a minute. A little back story just so you understand how stupid I was feeling--- I have only spoken to Dan a couple of times... mostly in a group setting. And I just called him sobbing asking him to pick me up so I could pick up my son from school. I am mortified but desperate.
So I gather my things and walk out the door. Literally within 2 minutes-- Dan is there. (love small towns with no traffic and pesky stop lights!) I apologize profusely and explain in a much easier to understand state that my car wont start and I need him to take me to Judah's school and then home. He is very gracious the entire time and acts as though this happens all the time. He calls me later that afternoon to check in on us and I again thank him and apologize for my panicked state.
Later my friend Colleen calls and tells me she is dropping off her car on her lunch break with her 19 yr old son, Andrew and he will bring us over lunch and help jump my car. Andrew is a sweet kid and is great with Judah. He comes over with taco bell in hand and eats lunch with us. Then we go outside to see how we are going to accomplish this "jumping of the car". See my car is 1) in the garage and 2) my drive way is a solid sheet of ice. Hmmm...
We decide to just go for it and I put my car into neutral and I start pushing. He watches for a moment as the car is not even budging with all of my "strength" thrown at it. He starts pushing too and it starts rolling down the drive like nothing... until our feet hit the ice. Imagine if you will... pushing a building across a frozen pond. Now imagine me doing that... can you see it? Yes. what ever you just imagined---i looked exactly that ridiculous. Some how, slippery and falling as many times as we did, we managed to get the car down the drive to face his car.
Now what they dont teach sons of single mothers--- is how to jump a car. Andrew had the cables hooked together and then dropped them. The other ends started sparking as they touched each other so I called Dad. With Andrew in the background entertaining himself by "throwing sparks" I explained the situation to Dad. He first told me that Andrew should stop before he killed us both and the car. Amazingly my car roared to life and ANdrew and I tried to do High fives but I fell on the ice instead. It was awesome.
So that was Tuesday. pretty much sucked except for all of God's angels coming to our rescue in one way or another!! God is Good!
Wednesday - Judah has strep and is even more addicted to Cartoons-- oh the amazing powers of bubble gum flavored antibiotics!
Thursday - get the whole, "you just dont seem happy, and is this the right place for you" speech from my Boss -- also known as the kiss of death as we start to restructure HR. I am doomed and panicked. Call mom. Have you ever cried on google video chat? it is the epitome of tragic.
Friday -- another stellar day in my world of chaos -- seriously not sure how much longer my heart can take the stress that my job entails.....
So that was my week. pretty much sucked yet God is so good. I Go to Chicago on thursday to interview with some big wigs to see if there are any opportunities that may be a better fit for me. I really dont know where God will lead because the choices are so far from each other and basically life altering... I start to panic just thinking about it!!!
Thank you for your continued prayer and support. Sorry that I need them so much!
I think we all need a lot of prayer all the time darling, it's not just you! Praise God He always hears! I love you a lot and I must admit I again got many laughs out of your Tragic Tuesday (sorry)! XOXOXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
ReplyDeleteKatrina, your post put me in tears. I just wish I could hug you. Praise God for providing! We are definitely praying for you. We love you!
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE AMAZING. if my car didn't start, i would've called it a day if i were you. oh, and being able to make so many amazing friends is pretty awesome too, i can't imagine having that ability.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOU and really wish i could hug you. and i'll definitely be praying for you dear. ^_^ I LOVE YOU!
Kari- i am glad you could laugh... it was tragically funny to say the least.
ReplyDeleteTiff and Jeanette-- I want to hug you too!!
Thank you all for your comments and prayers. It is soo very comforting to know that I can blog about my "stuff" and instantly know that I am not alone!