Monday, August 23, 2010

My God is bigger than the boogey man...

Judah and I love to sing that song.

Anyways, I want to first thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, and the showering of uplifting encouragement when I needed it most. I can always count on you to love me and it means more than you will ever know!

Answers to prayer-
Judah started Kindergarten last week for a second go round. His teacher is AMAZING! She even held her own son back because he wasnt ready so she totally understands where we are at. It also makes me feel better that a Kindergarten teacher held her son back in kindergarten-- makes me feel like it is not on account of my failure as a mother but just that Judah needs a little more maturing and the right environment to THRIVE! ANd he will. He already is pretty proud of himself for how much he already knows!! He will be the smart kid in the class -- yippee!
He really is enjoying it and is making friends fast. He also enjoys riding the bus to his day care. He seems to like it there and so that is all I can ask for at this point. I even made a friend with one of the mothers of a boy in his class--hopefully we can get the boys together soon.

We went to Kansas City last week for my job. Judah came with me and was excellently behaved. It was a little overwhelming hanging out with my boss the entire time but he was so well behaved that she was amazed and even bought him a star wars figurine for being so good. : ) Judah loved "living the high life" in our city high rise hotel. He instantly lined up all of his toys on "his" night stand and got into our king size bed, and laid back with his hands behind his head like a King. We watched transformers movie one night and he thought that was pretty cool. I found a lady in KC that was able to watch Judah during the day while I was at the facility. He loved hanging out with her 4 yr old son and they had a few different pets for him to play with. He liked it so much he wanted to sleep over! (i said no of course)

We traveled to Ohio this weekend for my 10 year high school reunion. It was actually pretty fun seeing all my old friends and reminicing about the good ol days (Jeremy-- you really missed out!). Judah had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa. Gma had yummy rice crispy decorating crafts for him to do (which I got in on too.. yum!) On Sunday I was able to visit Cornerstone and Chelle and Diane invited me up to sing with them. It was fun singing again-- I forgot how much I miss it. I was late though, and missed Kari sing Sweetly Broken. I made her sing it when we got home and I was just so impressed with the gifts and talents God has given her. She not only can sing and play guitar like a rock star, she really picks great songs with such purpose and depth that you can not help but be spiritually challenged.

After church we went back to Mom and Dad's for a bbq and Uncle Rich, Aunt Judy, Jeanette, Jesse, Tania and Kevin, and the rest of the fam all came over. It was such a perfect sunday catching up with everyone, sharing in great food (cheesecake!) and just being "HOME". I wish it didnt have to end. In fact, I stayed longer than I should have and didnt end up getting back on the road til closer to 6:30 (which luckily is only 5:30 in central time). I dont know what it was about going back to Greenville, but it took me much longer than it did coming to Columbus on Friday. (5 hours to columbus, almost 7 hours going back...)

Well I am in a much better place this week. Please continue to pray as I find my way here. Work is still a nightmare and I just really dont know how to get it under control. Because I am so busy, I am also finding it hard to have the quiet time I need with the Lord...

We love you!
Katrina and Judah

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So this is desperation...

So all I can do is ask for prayer.

I have not posted in a while because my brand new lap top died. Thankfully, the power cord is what actually died... unfortunately, the only replacements I have found are no less than 70 bucks so I have yet to fix my computer.

But back to the prayer request--

I have pretty much been drowning since I got back from the family reunion. I cant seem to get caught up at work no matter how many hours I work. Thank God I have a kid that needs to be fed and loved because without him I would probably just be at the office 24/7 (which is what I did the week he was at his grandparents). It seems that all I do is go to a million meetings or calls and collect action items without getting one second to actually get any of them done.On the daycare front--- Judah's current daycare that is perfect and amazing, across from his school, Christian, and seconds from work is still on a wait list for the school year so we have no where to go as of Aug 18th (is that next week?? um yep.) I found another place that is a little farther away, but it is not ideal--- it is like a double wide trailer with just clutter all over the place and I have to talk slowly so they can understand me. I have a tour tomorrow so I pray it looks better on the inside so I can feel comfortable enough to bring Judah there everyday. I also have to go to Kansas City next week -- monday thru wed and have no one to watch Judah when I am out of town. Please pray that I can find someone in KC as I have been doing some phone interviews with providers in the city and am able to balance this facility visit with you know, my real responsibility -- my 6 year old son. Also pray for Judah-- he is doing well but cries himself to sleep every night with how much he misses Gpa and Gma.

Also I have to make the decision to put him in 1st grade or hold him back since he struggled epically in reading last year. Its really hard to decide what will or will not ruin your kid's life when you are the only one with the responsibility at the end of the day.

And finally just pray that I can keep it all together. As I write this I am blinded by tears that seem to keep falling all to often lately. The realities of ALL ALONE have really started to set in and it is deafening the silence of a place where you know no one. How ever God's voice has been loud and clear and that is helpful... but his hugs have been lacking what with being invisible. We have been trying a few churches but it is really hard to meet people in 2010. Think about the last time you befriended someone entirely new.... i bet it has been a while.

I know the Lord is in control of this chaos but I am having to remind myself of this in a weird chant inside my head as everything keeps piling up with no reprieve. I am sure this is just a moment of weakness and doubt and next week I will be able to report how amazing God works and how I have nothing to worry about-- but here, at 10:23pm, I am just grasping frantically at my sanity.

Thank you all for your prayers-- keep them coming.
