Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I was able to go home to Columbus for Thanksgiving. The rental car and some meals were paid for by my company as I actually worked in the Columbus facility for part of the week. This made it easy to spend the holiday with my family and I get to do it again for the last 2 weeks of December!

I was able to spend some time with different friends during the work week for dinner and then thanksgiving weekend I was able to just enjoy my family. We had an excellent thanksgiving feast, played games, did some shopping, saw a movie, and on Saturday I was able to take my family to visit a new find-- the Plantain Cafe. It is an authentic Cuban restaurant down town. They have a small but DELICIOUS menu filled with all of our Cuban favs like Arroz con Pollo, Ropa Vieja, Fritas, Platanos Maduros, and of course black beans (frijoles negros). The family behind the cute little restaurant had a very similiar story to my grandparents who immigrated to the states in the 50s. The food had so much sabor or flavor and you could tell it was made with their family recipes. We had a good time enjoying the different tastes and I could tell that it brought Dad back to his childhood a little. If you are in Columbus, check it out!!

Things Judah and I are Thankful for this year:

1. Our faithful and merciful Savior - now more than ever we witness His blessings and protection over us.

2. Our family - We are so blessed to have a God loving family who is supportive, hilarious, loving, gives great hugs, hearty laughs, a little crazy, and is close. I know so many people that do not have all of those things and I know that my family is such a unique and priceless gift.

3. Job - I am thankful to have a job that allows me to provide for my family

4. Cameras- I really enjoy taking and sharing photos. God has created such beauty that the possibilties and moments to capture are simply endless.

5. Internet - what did I do with out the internet?? Such information, such a great way to share your lives with family and friends all around the world!!

6. Bible study - our bible study group in Greenville has recently been just the support group, friends, substitute family we have needed and we both truly enjoy getting together to share our lives and God's word.

7. Music - Oh how I love to sing! and listen to music! and explore worship and feelings and emotions through song!!!

And lastly, I am so thankful for my son- Judah. I wake up every morning a hero because he adores me and believes in me and knows that with me, he is safe, and loved, and will always have fun! He is such a beautiful boy with a great sense of humor, creative mind, joyful spirit, and earnest wonder as he learns more about the world around him. He is my best friend and while he is only 6, I am really not sure what I did or who I was without him. I am so proud to be his Mama! His hugs and kisses are the bestest!!!

i only had an old pic on this computer, but oh, how cute is that!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wow its been too long

I never really could keep a diary. Every year in January, I would start one and make it to maybe Janurary 4th if I was really extra motivated. And so with this blog, I have failed once again.

I have a million excuses like work is just crazy, and I feel like I keep saying that, but it is--- It is really crazy. I have had a pretty decent week if I get to friday without crying. I just havent been able to get a handle on it. Too many people, too many facilities with too many problems all at the same time. But you know what has been pretty cool about all of the craziness? God. He really knows how to work it when I think it is impossible.

For example, at the end of September I was down to the wire with hiring an entire crew for a new start up in Kansas City. The main county where all of my potential candidates lived in was stalling on the background checks and said they wouldnt be able to get them back to me until a week or more after my target start date. I was at my wit's end making calls, begging, anything and I was getting no where. To fail was not an option as the entire operation was set on this new hire class starting 9/27. My boss was out of commision due to a horrific tragedy, and I was also recruiting for St. Louis Lagasse and the Call center-- basically I was in an impossible situation with pressure and accountability stacking up to a crushing weight I could barely continue to withstand.

So I prayed. In my office, while the phones were ringing and my email was blowing up, I prayed. I told the Lord that the only way I was going to get these guys hired was if He worked a miracle. I asked Him to make it happen or show me what else to do because I was out of answers and time. The next day, the Friday before the new hires were to start, I checked the background checks one last time hoping for a miracle--- and sure enough--- all of them were complete! I instantly called my Region manager in Chicago to tell him the good news and he was blown away. He congratulated me on doing the impossible and was amazed at my ability to deliver despite all of the issues. I told him that it was God. That I made a whole lot of phone calls and did a whole lot of praying and that it was prayer that worked. He didnt really know what to do with that so he laughed and said whatever it was, he was impressed.

I know this is probably not the most relatable story as I dont know if I can really describe the nightmare that was September, but I am amazed that my God cares so much about me that he would assist in making background checks come back 2 weeks early. That he doesnt just care about the big needs like health and wellbeing, he helps me excel in a career that is trying to swallow me and he keeps me above water. This is just one example among many.

Other updates---
I never thought it would happen, but finally, both Judah and I have friends! We have been attending the Greenville Free Methodist Church and really loving it. I have yet to walk away from a Sunday morning service without being challenged through song, prayer, the sermon, or just the presence of the Holy Spirit. It has been amazing what the Lord has been revealing to me-- areas that I thought I had gotten rid of (or at least burried deep enough), he is revealing that still need to be cleansed and allow for Him to reign.

The church has a great children's program and Judah has been learning about Noah and the Ark. He also attends a christian day care after school and has made some good friends there as well. We went to our first birthday party last sunday and it was a blast watching him with the other kids and I was able to meet some moms too. It was definitely a differnt experience being in a small town like Greenville-- one of the dads was a terminated associate (awkward) and one of the moms is a manager at the call center. Never a day without seeing someone from work.

I have been attending a young adults group that meets the 3rd sunday night of each month. It is a really cool gathering in a worship type setting. It is amazing to be standing in a room full of young people who are having a personal encounter with God. The worship is great and each time they have a different type of "message" like last month when they interviewed a college grad who resolved to being silent for one month so he could hear the Lord better. In October they offered small groups for those that were interested. I signed up for the "post grad singles" group. It is basically the group where the leftover young adults go... We meet every tuesday night at a couple's home. It is an "eclectic" group to say the least with people from all walks of life. The couple that lead the group (Dan and Patti) are about mom and dad's age and they are just the most loving people I have met. Dan reminds me a lot of Dad. He has the gift of descernment and just always asks the right questions and ldirects the study in the way the Spirit leads. The second night I was actually overwhelmed by it all that during prayer I literally could not stop sobbing. And Dan read this verse that just opened me right up.

Isaiah 42:16 (new living translation)
I will lead blind Israel down a new path,
Guiding them along an unfamiliar way.
I will brighten the darkness before them
and smooth out the road ahead of them.
Yes, I will indeed do these things;
I will not forsake them.

Up until like 2 weeks ago, I have been feeling so very lost and alone. I have been second guessing why I moved out here, why I took on this insane job, why I would put myself in a place where no one knows me or loves me (or appreciates my awkward/inappropriate (yet still a little witty) humor!) And it was like, a flash of brilliance took over and God revealed that--- it is for all of those reasons that I am here. I really feel like God wanted to strip me of all of my crutches and "comfort zones"---
My awesome close-knit, God centered family, my friends, my job that i had mastered, my church family who adored me and appreciated my talents, my support group that made being a single mom (a little) easier... taking all of that away and moving to Greenville--- I have a chance to really put my faith to the test, to re-invent myself but for Christ, not others. I really think that being apart of this small group will continue to strech and challenge me in this effort. I yearn to get it "all" together.. to live for Christ with reckless abandon. I feel like I am so close! and so far away at the same time.
So that is where I am right now. Stay tuned.