Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fireworks on Lake Carlyle

We just got back from the fireworks. We went to Carlyle lake which is about 20 minutes away on a long country road. It was a beautiful day- clear blue sky and rows of green corn on either side. We packed up the cooler and a blanket and made a day of it. Carlyle lake is much like Deer Creek but much prettier. It had several picnic areas, a dam, 2 playgrounds, a sandy beach and a million boats everywhere. Judah had a blast swimming in the lake. He didnt have his goggles so he would pinch his nose with one hand and cover his eyes with the other each time he "dove" into the water. very silly but cute. I had fun sitting on the beach and watching him play as well as observing the "locals". Apparently the new rule for swimwear is if your bikini bottom stops right under your enormous gut, then you are good to go. There were a number of live bands playing in a pavillion behind us -- covers of Pearl Jam and Radiohead to name a few. We bought sno cones and hotdogs before returning to our spot. Judah made friends everywhere and there was even a kid from his daycare. He had fun "sharing" his nintendo ds as we waited for it to get dark enough for the fireworks. As it was just about time, the band playing started rocking out to a very cool version of the Star Spangled Banner. The fireworks lit up the sky mirrored across the lake. All the boats lined up and they sounded their horns as it all started. Judah sat on my lap with his arm around my neck as we Ooo'ed and Aaah'ed. We had fun guessing what the next one would be and Judah was amazed at my skillz as I guessed which one would be a "big" one. About 15min in the fireworks stopped. The crowd around us was unsure if it was over and so did we... After about 5 min they started up again--either a dramatic pause, or someone lost a hand and they had to rotate.--not sure, but glad it wasnt over. The finale was awesome and the boats started sounding their horns as the machine gun like display exploded to an end. The crowd cheered and applauded. We made it back to our car and got out of the jammed lot in record time. I decided that on a night like tonight, i needed to blast country music as we traveled back home. I came upon a song that I thought was kind of funny... it started out with a gospel feel-- read the words:

Havent been in church

since I dont remember when

Things were going great

til they fell apart again

So listened to the preacher

as he told me what to do

Said you cant go hating others

who done wrong to you

Sometimes we get angry

But we must not condemn

Let the good Lord do his job

and you just pray for them

(pretty good right? I was like, well that is very smart... but then the chorus started in..)

I pray your brakes go out

running down a hill

a pray a flower pot falls

from a window sill

and knocks you in the head like I'd like to

I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls

I pray your flying high when your engine stalls

I pray all your dreams never come true

Just know where ever you are,

Honey, Im praying for you

(Praying for you by Jaron and the Long Road to love)

Hahah, i know it is wrong but it made me laugh and know why country music is such a special genre.. haha

Anyways, I will leave you with these pictures. Good night!

on the open road


this is what sharing looks like at 6 years old.

Love my mama!

semi- creepy grape face.

Yep- this is an air mattress used as a raft in a lake. Where else would you keep your baby when you wanna swim?!?

Not sure where he got the pink noodle... but he is having fun.

watching the fireworks (moment, captured.)
I almost forgot to mention-- Jesse, where ever you are, I saw your doppleganger here in Carlyle, Illinois. This guy comes up with long blond hair, a black bandanna tied around his head, and big baggy black clothes. It was pretty weird, but he was a little creepier looking than you (not that you look creepy, but he definitely did). I should have tried to get a picture!!
Another side note--- in the blurb above i originally put "goppledanger" instead of "doppleganger" and i spellchecked it and google's only advice for a fix was "copulating"
maybe its because its almost midnight but that is pretty funny...haha
Also at midnight--- my heart is pounding because I am hearing some really freaky "tapping" from the back window and now the garage... Lord please help that to be a raccoon and not my death. Yours truly.

Movie Night

I took my hot date with me to see the newest installment of the twilight saga: Eclipse. It was incredible! Aside from having to sit in a packed theater right underneath what I can only describe as a hurricane fan ---side story: the fan was blowing such continuous cold air and we had nothing to cover ourselves, that Judah was using my small cotton purse as a blanket over his little legs and I was using the warmth of my tree like arm to drape across his chest to give him warmth...

The movie followed the book and was a festival for the eyes (team edward!). There were some sappy parts, but then my mind was escape to the book and I could overlook the "moments" lost from page to cinematic glory.

Judah started to get a little restless during these scenes and then was brought back once werewolves and vampires started fighting. It was really annoying watching it with a hundred stupid teens (especially the team jacob ones) they kept ruining the movie by screaming when he took his shirt off, or talking during Edwards awesome moments because they think Bella should be Jacob. This is why I am closer to 30 then 13 and want to hurt them.

After the movie, I was about to head back on our 45 min highway journey (thats right, the closest movie theatre that shows more than one movie, that isnt blurry, is in Edwardsville - 40 miles from Greenville) --- as I was saying, I was about to get back on the highway to head home when I decided I might need a little caffiene to help me along my journey. I went past the exit and kept going down the road until we hit "Maryville". A small town again that looked mostly asleep until we saw these beams of bright light filling the right side of the road. All my brain could process in between the flashes was "FROZEN CUSTARD". What a perfect night for some ice cream!

It was this cool joint -- just perfect for a summer night with bright lights and fifties music playing. There were tables to the side and all of the employees wore button down white shirts and bright pink bowties and chucks. the custard was creamy and yummy and there were a million different ways to try it. Judah had vanilla custard with strawberries and I had vanilla custard with chocolate shell (magic shell).

Overall a great night! Judah was really sweet and as we walked to the car, he grabbed my hand and said, I love you, thanks for taking me to the movie. So sweet!

Tomorrow we are going to see where all of the 4th of July action is. I think we are going to Carlyle Lake today (saturday) and watch the fireworks over the lake and then tomorrow we may venture to the Big City of St. Louis for their Fair on the River display. I love fireworks!! I just wish we had some of you to share it with. Last year was awesome with the tour of the umbrellas as we walked in the sprinkling rain to the GC fireworks.

Also- shout out to the incredible new parents, Jeremy and Kristin Bowman!!!! They had a japanese girl named Aeris Noel at 1am today!! (ok, so she doesnt look japanese, but she was born in JAPAN, how cool is that??) Baby and mama are perfect. Praise the Lord! I will be praying for the Bowman family as they have to love on this new addition to their family from so far away.